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It's all about the people

Sunday 23 April 2006 11:42:00 pm

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What's so special about eZ Systems?

We like to say eZ Systems is all about the people. We are a unique team of dedicated people working together for something we believe in.

The strategy of eZ Systems is based on four critical success criteria:

With this as the basis, everything else follows naturally. When you have a team made up of some of the top people in the world, working with the most demanding customers, together with dedicated partners and an active community, great software will be the result.

And this is what is currently happening at eZ Systems. We attract some of the most demanding customers in the world and our partners and community are growing in dedication and numbers. We also attract, motivate and grow some of the leading brains in this business. We work together as a solid team and we are successful in what we're doing. That is a great feeling!

What's the internal structure at eZ Systems like?

With our core values of openness, sharing and innovation, we strive to keep a flat and open structure at eZ. We are of course organized in teams and structures, making sure we have the efficient reporting and decision-making processes that are necessary for any organization of a certain size.

But information and ideas flow freely throughout the organization, not following strict hierarchical structures. We strive to involve everybody and all important decisions are taken after open company-wide discussions.

We also have a management philosophy at eZ that management is there for the crew and not the crew for the management.

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