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It's all about the people

Sunday 23 April 2006 11:42:00 pm

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What is it like to be the CEO of eZ Systems?

It is extremely interesting. There is so much positive energy coming from the open and innovative spirit of this team. I seldom have to take on the role of the strict boss, but feel that I am part of a team with my set of roles.

How do you cope with the responsibility you have for the team?

As I already mentioned, my job is to be there for the crew. My main job is of course to make sure they are able to do their jobs, but also to make sure they are all doing well and are happy. I care about the people and the rest follows naturally.

How do you control what is going on within the company?

I don't and I have no intention of doing that! I do of course follow all important projects and have close communication with the crew. But I believe that when you dare to let things loose, trusting in people and giving them responsibilities, things start to happen. I have had many experiences where great things happened at eZ that were not because I said they should, but because people from our talented crew by their own initiative made them happen.

We do however have one rule: freedom with responsibility. This means you do not have anybody controlling every move you make - you have your role and responsibilities and act accordingly. But the responsibility part is not only that you take responsibility for what to do, but that you also take responsibility for what not to do - and if there is a problem you bring it into the open.

At eZ we are all people and we all make mistakes, and we are allowed to make mistakes, but we are not allowed to try to hide the mistakes. I do not care about who made the mistakes, I don't blame people. That is destructive. But I care about getting it solved and learning from it so we do not do it in the future. So if there is a problem, solve it, and if you need help to solve it, well - ask for help!

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