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Layout of the eZ Publish Administration Interface

Tuesday 10 July 2007 2:00:00 am

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The Administration Interface contains multiple windows, interfaces and tabs. We identify six areas of the interface and explain each of them in detail. When you log in, the Administration Interface defaults to the Content structure tab and displays the top-level node in the site's content hierarchy. In other words, you will most likely be shown the content from the front page of your website.

Areas of the Administration Interface

As shown above, the interface can be divided into six areas that are always present and in fixed positions. They are interactive and dynamic, with links and buttons to access functionality and perform operations. What is displayed in each area partially depends on the current context. Note that some areas are automatically disabled when you perform certain actions. For example, some parts of the interface do not respond during editing to prevent you from doing operations that are inappropriate for a given circumstance.

Here is a list of the six areas, numbered to correspond to the markers in the above screenshot:

  1. The main menu is a collection of tabs for selecting which part of the system you want to access and manage.
  2. The path shows the location of the current page within the content hierarchy, regardless of the current activity.
  3. The secondary (left) menu provides access to content and interfaces that are associated with the current tab.
  4. The main area displays the actual content and interfaces that are associated with the current action. This is where most of the work is done.
  5. The right area displays information specific to the user who is currently logged in, including the Bookmarks window.
  6. The Search interface can be used to find information on the system.

The main menu

The layout of the Administration Interface is identical for the first three tabs, because each tab merely accesses different parts of the node tree. The layout for the other tabs, however, is unique for each tab.

Clicking the Content structure tab displays the Content branch of the node tree, which holds most of the content that site visitors see. The Media library tab displays the Media branch, which often stores data (such as images) that are used by other nodes. In the User accounts tab, you can view and manage user accounts and permission policies.

The Webshop tab provides access to the built-in e-commerce engine (the Webshop) if this feature has been set up for the site. Visual elements and layout of the site can be managed through a graphical user interface accessed by clicking the Design tab. The main site configuration area is accessible by selecting the Setup tab. This area should only be used by advanced users and site administrators. Clicking the My account tab displays the current user's personal area. This area provides access to user-specific data and configuration, such as access to the user's own drafts and user account information.

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