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Layout of the eZ Publish Administration Interface

Tuesday 10 July 2007 2:00:00 am

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The horizontally-aligned switches at the top of the main area determine which windows (also called "panels") are shown within the main area. A blue background indicates that a switch is on and thus the window containing the related information is currently being displayed. If all switches are turned on at the same time, the windows appear in the same order as the placement of the switches (left to right): Preview, Details, Translations (for multilingual sites only), Locations and Relations. The Sub items window is always at the bottom.

Horizontally-aligned switches - all disabled

The same switches apply to the main area of the User accounts tab (which also has the Roles and Policies switches) and the Media library tab. The remaining tabs are not associated with viewing content, and thus do not have these switches.

Below, we describe the windows associated with the switches of the Content structure tab.

Preview window

When viewing some content, the main area will, at a minimum, contain the row of switches in addition to two windows (as shown in the above illustration). While the top window displays the contents of the selected node, the bottom window (the Sub items window) shows the node's children. The top window is known as the Preview window. Unlike the other windows, this window does not completely disappear after you deactivate the corresponding switch. Deactivating the switch will only hide the window's contents.

In its active state, this window has four parts: the title bar, information bar, object attributes and button bar. The title bar contains an icon indicating the object type, the name of the object and the name of the class of which the object is an instance (in square brackets). The information bar contains information about the version and translation that is being viewed. The left part of this area reveals when the object was modified, along with a link to the user who did the actual modification. The right area reveals the translation that is being displayed. The object attributes are displayed in the main area of this window in the order that is specified in the class definition. The button bar is located at the bottom of the Preview window, containing at least the Edit, Move and Remove buttons. These trigger exactly the same actions as the corresponding menu items that are found in the pop-up menu of the secondary menu.

Details window

The purpose of the Details window (shown below) is to provide additional information about the selected node and the object that it encapsulates. Clicking the Creator or Section link will take you to interfaces for managing user accounts and access policies.

Translations window

The purpose of the Translations window is to show the languages that exist for the last published version of the selected object. This window and its associated switch are only available on multilingual eZ Publish sites. The currently selected translation is displayed using bold characters. The top of the window shows the number of translations, which is the same as is listed in the Details window:

Details and Translations windows

From the Translations window, you can edit a translation by clicking on the language's corresponding edit icon on the right. Clicking on the name of the translation will reload the page with the selected translation in the Preview window. When either one or several languages are selected using the checkboxes on the left, the Remove selected button can be used to carry out the deletion of the selected translations.

Locations window

Each node refers to exactly one content object in eZ Publish, and provides a location for that object within the content hierarchy. The purpose of the Locations window is to show the different nodes that are associated with an object:

Locations window

As in the Translations window, the currently selected node is displayed using bold characters. The location itself, shown as the actual node path, can be used to navigate the tree menu and to directly jump to higher nodes in the content hierarchy. This can be particularly useful for operations such as restructuring site content.

Relations window

The purpose of the Relations window is to display information about other objects that either use the current object or that the current object uses.

Relations window

In eZ Publish, any type of object can be connected to any other type of object. This feature is typically useful in situations when there is a need to reuse information from elsewhere in the system, for example when creating inline graphics in an article.

Sub items window

The Sub items window is always visible, as is the Preview window. Moreover, it is the only content information window of the main area that is not associated with a switch. It displays the node's children, meaning those that are beneath it in the node tree.

Sub items window

The Sub items window also provides the following functionality:

  • creating new objects
  • removing existing nodes
  • editing existing objects
  • configuring the selected node's sort settings

If you have a single-language site, the language selection dropdown list is not shown. It is also possible to access the context-sensitive pop-up menu described earlier by left-clicking the icons in the list.

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