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Running eZ Publish daemons in shared virtual hosting environment

Wednesday 16 March 2011 3:51:46 am

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At the end of this tutorial, you should have enough knowledge for setting up the eZ Find Solr daemon, and ezodf ( conversion daemon in a shared virtual hosting environment.


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The recommended way of using the ezfind and ezodf extensions on a server with multiple eZP installations is to have only one instance of Solr server and one instance of OpenOffice conversion server for all the eZP installations.

Running single instances of this servers for multiple eZP installations is not a problem if you have full access to your server, but if you happen to have many eZP installation in a limited virtual hosting environment, setting these two servers can be a little bit tricky. This tutorial describes how to do it.


Pre-requisites and target audience

  • an eZ Publish 4.x installation
  • ability to run shell scripts on the server

To fully understand this tutorial, you need:

  • knowledge and experience in setting up the ezfind and ezodf extensions
  • experience in setting up Solr server and OpenOffice conversion daemon
  • some knowledge of bash script programming
  • basic knowledge of linux administration and understanding of shared virtual hosting environment

Since this tutorial contains step-by-step instructions, and some parts should be done by the system administrator of the server, it can also be understood by anyone whit some basic knowledge of eZ Publish and shared virtual hosting concepts.

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