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Running eZ Publish daemons in shared virtual hosting environment

Wednesday 16 March 2011 3:51:46 am

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Running OpenOffice without the XWindows Server

If you want to run OpenOffice without the XWindows Server (which can spare you some headaches) you have to run it with the “-headless” parameter. To add this parameter you will have to edit the extension/ezodf/scripts/daemon.php script inside the eZP installation of the ezdaemon user. Just change this line:

$convertShellCommand = escapeshellcmd( $ooexecutable . " -writer -invisible" ) . " " .

to this:

$convertShellCommand = escapeshellcmd( $ooexecutable . " -writer -invisible -headless" ) . " " .

This is actually a hack, and it is not the “clean” way to do it, but I have also proposed an enhancement that would allow to do this without hacking the script:


Running on non-default ports

It is recommended to run the Solr and OpenOffice conversion server on non-default ports. First, it is generally more secure not to use default ports. And second, in this way you leave the default port free for some quick testing of new eZP installations.
To change the port on which the OpenOffice conversion server runs, you'll have to edit extension/ezodf/scripts/daemon.php inside the eZP installation for ezdeamon user and change the value of the $port variable.

The official way of changing the default Solr server port is to add the port parameter (for example “-Djetty.port=12345” ) to the Solr startup command. However, this requires changing the solr startup script from the chapter 8 which requires root access. This means you would have to bug your system administrator every time you want to change the port for some reason. So in this situation the best way to change the port for Solr server is to edit extension/ezfind/java/etc/jetty.xml in the eZP installation of ezdaemon user. It is defined in the line that goes like this:

<Set name="port"><SystemProperty name="jetty.port" default="8983"/></Set>

Note: If you start the servers on non-default ports you should also change the corresponding settings in the ini files of the ezfind and ezodf extensions of every eZP Installation.

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