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eZ Publish Search Engine Optimization

Saturday 17 June 2006 1:22:00 pm

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The success of a website is often closely related to its rank in search engine results. eZ Publish, the Enterprise Open Source Web Content Management system, provides numerous features that make it easy for search engines to analyze and index eZ Publish websites. This article provides tips and techniques for increasing your eZ Publish site's ranking with search engines.

This article describes the basic techniques of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that can be used with eZ Publish sites. Before discussing specific tips and tricks, let's set the context by considering the importance of search engine ranking.

How often do you start a browser session by going to Google, AllTheWeb or MSN Search? Most likely you visit these sites several times per day. Do you remember the phrase: 'If something is not on the Internet, it does not exist'? Nowadays, the slogan is: 'If the website cannot be found on the first couple of pages of Google search results, it does not exist.'

The fact that visibility within search rankings is critically important is obvious to anyone who runs a commercial website. Someone with a webshop wants his products to be at the top of the search results for his potential customers. A service company wants clients to easily find information about their service offerings.

SEO is a set of techniques used to customize web pages so they are more effectively indexed by the search engine's scanning mechanisms and therefore have a higher position in the search results. By properly applying these techniques, customers and visitors find your site more easily via search engines.

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