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eZ Publish Search Engine Optimization

Saturday 17 June 2006 1:22:00 pm

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Text within <strong> and <emphasis> tags make important keywords more visible to search engines.

Formatting content in the Online Editor using header, bold, italic and plain text.

Formatting content manually using header, bold, italic and plain text.

newpageWhile "a picture is worth a thousand words", search engines can only use words for building indexes, not pictures. The "alt" parameter in the <img> tag is essential, both for accessibility (to support readers such as text-based browsers) and for search engine indexing. By adding "alt" descriptions to images, search engines can gather information about the content on the page.

Browsing web pages with enabled pictures.

For example, the XHTML tag for the picture above is:

<img href="[...]" alt="eZ Publish 3.8 release" />

A search engine (or a site visitor who cannot view images) sees the alternative text:

Browsing web pages with disabled pictures - the content of the "alt" attribute from the <img> tag is displayed instead of the picture.

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