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Lots of Websites, One eZ Publish Installation - Adding Siteaccesses in eZ Publish

Thursday 27 May 2010 8:36:44 am

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This tutorial gives developers the power to extend the features and flexibility of eZ Publish beyond a single website, to having an unlimited number in one installation. At the end of this tutorial you will have learned how to best leverage eZ Publish's siteaccess concept to create multiple websites. It will let you apply this concept through the concrete case of building two different, multilingual websites on one single eZ Publish instance.



Users of eZ Publish sometimes wonder if it is possible to make use of a single installation of eZ Publish for multiple websites. The answer is yes—through the power of the “siteaccess”. In fact, an understanding of siteaccesses gives one the ability to do much more than just host multiple sites in one installation. With this technique you can:

  • make it easier to share content between databases
  • copy and add locations to objects
  • use a single Premium agreement and one eZ Network extension for multiple sites with the same or different content
  • simplify eZ Publish upgrades by consolidating several sites on one installation

Prerequisites and target population

Target population

This article written for intermediate-level eZ Publish developers, who already know how to install eZ Publish, create a design, program in the template language, and make use of the settings cascade. These skills can be gained by taking an eZ Publish Developer Basics training course, reading eZ Publish Basics or other eZ Publish books, or learning from a solid eZ Publish developer. As well, the community is a vast source of knowledge and exchange. It can be found here :


The tutorial example in this article is based on this installation:

  • eZ Publish 4.3
  • ezwebin extension version 1.6
  • out-of-the-box installation (your customizations may require additional attention)


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