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Lots of Websites, One eZ Publish Installation - Adding Siteaccesses in eZ Publish

Thursday 27 May 2010 8:36:44 am

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Use Cases

Let's discuss a variety of reasons one might want several siteaccesses, explore what one is, and then see how it's done. Here are some typical scenarios for using different siteaccesses in addition to the admin and public siteaccess:

Case Siteaccesses Content-Sharing Capabilities Details
typical (e.g. a single web shop, social networking site, or corporate site) site_public
n/a (only one real website) both share the same database and var directory but use different designs and extensions
multilingual (e.g. a corporate website with three translations plus an administrative interface) nor
all sites can access the same content provided there's an available translation same database and var directory and same design (except admin), but different language settings in each
several completely different websites (e.g. a company which sells websites with similar features but different design and content to companies in an industry) site_1_public
Content (and user accounts) are kept separate so there is no danger of one customer accessing another customer's data. different databases, var directories, and designs
one site which gets customized for different populations (for example, a magazine publisher with different versions for various cities) city_1_public
Content is kept separate for each edition. design may be shared but databases and var directories may be distinct
Several sites revolving around a brand/company/idea cross-sharing part of their content, functionalities, and design with each other. brand_site_1_public
Content is partly kept separate for common editors: one subtree per site, but can be shared easily for enabled editors. Design may be shared,extensions too, database and var directories as well. One content subtree is one site.

Feel free to add your own creative uses of siteaccesses in the related forum here.



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