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Content profile and functional brief

Wednesday 21 April 2010 6:50:16 am

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Content Taxonomy

Content classes (content types) are the main tool to describe a content taxonomy in eZ Publish. A content class defines a series of fields (a structure), each of which is typed (datatypes). A given piece of content (a content object) necessarily meets a content class' structure (an object is an instance of a class).

Below are described, per functional group, the involved content classes. For every content class a distinction is made between :

  • Content fields, the content of which is displayed
  • Metadata fields, helping to structure, filter, tag, control the layout or help the page's <meta>, but which are not displayed.

Note that some content fields, like titles, can be used to build the page's <title> or <meta>.


Content Type Metadata fields Content fields

1/ Title [text line]

Used to describe the main general topic of the forum

2/ Intro [formatted text]

Used to give a more thorough description of the forum, what topics can be addressed in it.

Forum Topic

1/ Sticky [checkbox]

Whether this forum topic should stay on top of the list

2/ Tags [keywords]

3/ Solved [checkbox]

Whether the author has received a satisfying answer to her initial question.

1/ Topic [text line]

One-liner to know what the forum topic as about

2/ Message [formatted text]

The forum topic's body

Forum Reply  

1/ Message [formatted text]

Body of the reply


Articles & Tutorials

Content Type Metadata fields Content fields

1/ Author [object relations]

Display name of user account who created the article

2/ Tags [keywords]

Used for tagging the article, visible in full view

3/ Enable comments [checkbox]

Back end feature for author to allow/disallow comments on the article

1/ Title [text line]

Title for the article, single line

2/ Image [object relation]

Intro image for the article, also shown in the intro part of the content

3/ Intro [formatted text]

Introduction part of the article, content shown before the read-more link

4/ Body [formatted text]

Remaining part of the article, content shown after the read-more link

Note that the body, although contained in one single field, is often visually broken down into several pages. Every page is given a title, used as label for the "Previous" or "Next" page links, as well as for displaying the outline of the article.



Content Type Metadata fields Content fields

1/ Short title [text line]

Short title of the blog, used for url aliases

1/ Title [text line]

Title for the blog, single line

2/ Body [formatted text]

Description of the blog

Blog Entry

1/ Tags [keywords]

Used for tagging the post, tags are visible in full view

2/ Enable comments

Back end feature for author to allow/disallow comments on the blog post

1/ Title [text line]

Title for the blog post, single line

2/ Intro [formatted text]

Introduction part of the blog post, content shown before the read-more link

3/ Body [formatted text]

Remaining part of the blog post, content shown after the read-more link



Content Type Metadata fields Content fields

1/ User account [useraccount]

Used by the system for login

2/ Master ID [integer]

Used by the Single Sign On system

3/ Points [integer]

Total amount of community-activity points a user gathered when contributing to the community's activity.

1/ First name [text line]

2/ Last name [text line]

3/ Signature [text block]

4/ Image [image]

User's profile picture

5/ Short description (author) [formatted text]

Used as mini-bio when the users writes knowledge for the community (tutorial, article)

6/ URL (author) [url]

As "Short description": for authors to give a link to their blog, corporate site.

7/ Photo (author) [image]

As "Short description": for authors to provide a better quality image, usually different than their profile's. Displayed for instance next to an article, on all pages of it.

8/ Country [text line]


1/ Vertical Selection [Selection]

The business vertical the partner is mainly working in. Can be

Examples :

- Science and Education

- Public Sector

- Non Profit

- IT/Telecom


2/ Business partner [checkbox]

Used to know whether a partner is "Business" or "Community"

3/ Community points [integer]

The total amount of community-participation points for a partner. Used to rank the partner in the Yellow pages. Sum of every partner member's points total.

4/ Business partner page link [url]

If the partner is "Business", the link to her profile page on eZ's corporate website :

1/ Company name [text line]

2/ Company description [text block]

3/ Contact person (name) [text line]

4/ Contact person (email) [email]

5/ Company Address [text block]

6/ Main Country [text line]

7/ Website [URL]

8/ Phone number [text line]

9/ Fax [text line]

10/ Company logo [image]


1/ Name [text line]

The label of this eZ Publish reference

2/ URL [URL]

Address of this eZ Publish reference

3/ Description [formatted text]

Few lines of description of the eZ Publish reference: what were the ins and outs of the project, the functional and technical challenges, the website's activity...

36 542 Users on board!

Tutorial menu


Printer Friendly version of the full article on one page with plain styles
