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Content profile and functional brief

Wednesday 21 April 2010 6:50:16 am

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Site Goals

  Objective Definition Goal Review Current Status
Active Users Help the community grow

An active users is someone who, at least in the past 6 months :

- Initialized a new forum topic

- Replied 6 times to existing forums

- Fed back 1,5 issues ( = 3 times a year )

- Commented 2 times on an existing issue

Increase the number of active users by 10% per month ( means 162 active users at the end of december this year ) Monthly 69
New members Increase findability of the community and increase systematic advocacy. Amount of new registrations on the community portal. Increase the amount of newly registered users by 5% each month Monthly

March: 307

February: 280

Page-views per month Measure helpfulness and attraction of the community portal. Page-views figure picked from Google Analytics. Increase the amount of page views by 4% per month. This is equivalent to having 175000 page-views for next december. Monthly 122000 page views for the [08/03/2010 - 07/04/2010] period
36 542 Users on board!

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