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Content profile and functional brief

Wednesday 21 April 2010 6:50:16 am

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Content Structure / Sitemap

Here is the current information structure, represented as a tree. Currently the Articles and Tutorials sections are separated. They contain very similar content though, hence the merger below :

|-- Forums
| |-- Forum 1
| | |-- Forum Topic 1
| | | |-- Forum Reply 1
| | | `-- Forum Reply 2
| | |
| | `-- Forum Topic 2
| | |-- Forum Reply 1
| | `-- Forum Reply 2
| |
| |-- Forum 2
| `-- Forum 3
|-- Articles & Tutorials
| |-- Tutorial 1
| |-- Tutorial 2
| |-- Tutorial 3
| |-- Article 1
| |-- Article 2
| `-- Article 3
|-- Blogs
| |-- Blog 1
| | |-- Blog entry 1
| | |-- Blog entry 2
| | `-- Blog entry 3
| |
| `-- Blog 2
| |-- Blog entry 1
| |-- Blog entry 2
| `-- Blog entry 3
|-- Projects
| `-- (RSS feed displayed, can be moved somewhere else)
|-- Directory
| |-- People
| | |-- Member 1
| | |-- Member 2
| | `-- Member 2
| `-- Companies (Partners)
| |-- Partner 1
| `-- Partner 2
|-- Community Program (structuring document for individuals and companies in the community)
|-- Team
| |-- Who is who
| `-- Development (development tool, available to the team only)
`-- About
 |-- Get involved
 |-- Etiquette and Usages guidelines
 |-- Get eZ Software
 `-- How to get support for eZ Publish

This is the way content is stored in eZ Publish. This tree can be easily reflected in the menu/submenus through eZ Publish's templating language ( is built with eZ Publish). The hierarchy represented above is the one currently in place (at the exception of the merged Articles & Tutorials section). To better reflect the "What content matters ?" part below, the organisation/hierarchy can (should ?) be reworked. "Team" part should be moved under "About". A new top-level entry is likely to be added: "Events", a central event management system. This latter feature is however not thought through yet.

36 542 Users on board!

Tutorial menu


Printer Friendly version of the full article on one page with plain styles
