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Content profile and functional brief

Wednesday 21 April 2010 6:50:16 am

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Miscellaneous, yet important things

Header/top part of the page

A persistent catchphrase should be added around the logo in the top banner, reading : "The eZ Publish Community Gateway". The top banner probably takes up too much room on the page.

Home page

A welcome panel, in a highly visible place on the homepage, should help anybody to understand, by reading a few sentences, what this portal is about ( does it well).

Also, the home page should really act as a dispatcher and an activity showcase. The drupal community website ( is quite good in this regard. It should implement the content hierarchy presented in section "What content matters ?", and be flexible enough to allow for addition of potential new types of content. It is key that this homepage is exhaustive in surfacing the most relevant of all types of content / sections.

Get and stay in touch ( "About" section )

How to plug-in

It should be easy to understand, at a glance, how to get and stay in touch with the eZ Community. This page currently serves as a How-to : It is broken down into two main sections :

  • "Share" : lists the tools and places used by the community to stay connected
  • "Develop" : lists how one can get involved code-wise or product-wise
Code of conduct

The code of conduct is also present in this section. It currently lies here : It shall be fleshed out with a proper mission statement.

Community Program

Community Program, while being a top-level entry in the menu, is currently mirrored here, under the "About" section. It is a structuring document, as described here.


The "Team" top-level menu entry should be moved under "About". It contains two subentries : "Who is who", presenting the team, public page, and "Development", only available to the team members, as a development tool.

Local communities

Local communities do not always have a dedicated platform, and need the international community portal to exchange in their native language. This is currently the case for the japanese community. A forum is dedicated to hosting localized communication : A clear message should be placed under the "About" section (at least) about localized communities. One could think of other additional places for this.

In addition to hosting a few localized communities, pointers to otherwise existing local communities should be placed here. For example, the Brazilian and French communities have their own platforms :


Currently useless, it should reflect the key elements of content. It could contain, but not be limited to :

  • RSS / Twitter / IRC
  • Sitemap
  • Register link (if user not logged-in)
  • Links to content : Forums, Tutorials and Articles, Product and Code, Directory, Job Board, Blogs, Translation, Community Program
  • Links to connections : Get involved page
  • Credits
  • Contact (webmaster)
  • Copyright notice
  • “Powered by eZ Publish”

Misc suggestions

The remember me" functionality should lower the entry barrier to the portal. A proposal can be made in this direction, design-wise.

36 542 Users on board!

Tutorial menu


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